Composition: Flor de Laranjeira Product Nr.: Nº32 Content: 350g Caracteristics: Light amber in colour and pleasant in taste
The cipó-uva plant (Serjania lethalis) when blooming, exudes a pink grape like fragrance. Cipó-uva honey is light amber in colour and pleasant in taste. The cipó-uva plant is known for its medicinal properties, praised as a balm for intestinal cramps and kidney pain. The leaves, roots and stems of this plant are suitable for topical use and pain relief treatment. The plant is believed to be a natural detoxifier for the liver while controlling blood sugar levels as well. Although the pharmacological and cultivation characteristics have been widely studied scientifically, the therapeutic qualities of cipó-uva have not yet been analyzed. However, this honey has been used and appreciated in home remedies for many decades.