Propolis Gold Line

Wax Green is delighted to present the Gold Line – a series of products made with the best Extra Green Propolis produced in Brazil.

The Gold Line was created especially for exportation in order to assure our customers that no product in this series will be sold on the Brazilian domestic market. To this end, new packages have been created with an exclusive and patented design. All measures have been taken to prevent illegal trade of Wax Green products outside Brazil.
But what really distinguishes the Gold Line is the excellence of the Propolis used in its formulation. According to researchers at the University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China (2014), Propolis produced in tropical regions of Brazil contain higher concentrations of Artepillin-C, a cinnamic acid derivative, bioactive substance capable of inhibiting the proliferation of tumour cells. The great potential of the Extra Green Propolis is in Artepillin-C, researchers say. This Propolis is pro- duced in southwestern Brazil, where the predominant plant in the region is the wild rosemary, Baccharis dracunculifolia. Another abundant ac- tive compound in Propolis is Flavo- noids which have powerful action against bacteria and free radicals. Propolis contains Flavonoids in exponential quantities, dozens of times higher than any vegetable according to Dr Yong Park, a researcher at Unicamp – University of Campinas, São Paulo, considered the foremost authority on Propolis in the world.

Comprised of over 200 substances with biological and physiological activity, propolis is a unique natural product with antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity; perhaps the most powerful natural remedy and a major source of combined antioxidants Mother Nature offers us.

During the last two years, Wax Green has developed new formulas with Extra Green Propolis aiming at improving the Gold Line products. We have increased Artepillin-C by 9% (No. 59 Gold 70). Our sole purpose is to ensure our customers’ trust, safety and satisfaction.

Red 80 Propolis

Red 80 Propolis

Composition: Prpolis
Product Nr.: Nº69
Content: 30ml
Characteristics: Propolis extract for wound healing (external aplication).

Red 80 Propolis has been specially formulated to be a natural ointment for external use. This product promotes the healing and..

Wax Free Gold 70 Propolis

Wax Free Gold 70 Propolis

Composition: Extra Green Propolis
Product Nr.: Nº59
Content: 30ml
Characteristics: purest Green Propolis “Ultra Green”, that combined with its high concentration of dry extract.

This product has a high concentration of propolis, which by the natural..

Wax Free Black 60 Propolis

Wax Free Black 60 Propolis

Composition: Propolis and Glycol
Product Nr.: Nº49
Content: 30ml
Characteristics: Extra high Propolis dry extract concentration. For Herpes.sin diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, and other.

Wax-Free Black 60 Propolis is formulated with..

Alcohol Free Propolis

Alcohol Free Propolis


Composition: Propolis and Glycol
Product Nr.: Nº45
Content: 30ml
Characteristics: specially developed people who are intolerant to alcohol.

Alcohol-Free Propolis was specially developed for persons who are intolerant to alcohol or under medical treatment..

Propolis Silver Spray

Propolis Silver Spray

Composition:Propolis Spray
Product Nr.: Nº46
Content: 30ml
Characteristics: Spray for oral use.

Propolis Silver is an oral spray designed to be sprayed directly into- the throat. The soothing qualities of honey combined with the anti-inflammatory action..

Wax Free Blue 35 Propolis

Wax Free Blue 35 Propolis

Composition: Honey with Propolis, Watercress and Eucalyptus
Product Nr.: Nº45
Content: 30ml
Characteristics: Very powerful natural antibiotic, treatment of flu, colds, caughts and irritated troat.

Wax-Free Blue 35 Propolis has been formulated for daily use..