Premium Line Honey

is Wax Green’s lat- est release, a collection of six me- dicinal honeys packaged in glass cups exclusively designed for reuse. We chose six different nectar sourc- es from which the extracted honey has specific medicinal properties. Each honey carries the aroma and medicinal qualities of plants visited by bees. Orange blossom honey, eucalyptus honey, cipó-uva honey, assa-peixe honey, wild honey and honey with royal jelly, have been carefully chosen for you to discov- er the enormous benefits honey can bring to your daily life.

Honey is energetic, antioxidant, antibacterial and has scar heal- ing properties. Unlike processed sugars, it does not cause a sudden spike in blood sugar. Honey is an exceptional cough suppressant too. In research conducted at Pennsyl- vania State University in 2014 with 105 children who had a persistent cough, researchers concluded that honey was more efficient in calming a cough than syrups produced with dextromethorphan. Honey also helps regenerate tissues. Research reported by French magazine Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Trau- matologique, 1993, shows 40 differ- ent tests with honey on wounds. The authors concluded that honey was effective in tissue recovery in 88% of the respective cases.

But honey goes way beyond! In addition to being a source of anti- oxidants and having antibacterial activity, can any type of sugar pre- vent cognitive decline and dementia in the elderly? Can any type of sugar burn fat while we sleep? None, oth- er than honey! Why? Because honey is an intelligent sugar! Amazingly, most people do not realize that this gift of Nature may be one of our greatest allies for a long and healthy life.

Assa-Peixe Honey

Assa-Peixe Honey

Composition: Assa-Peixe Flower
Product Nr.: Nº33
Content: 350g
Characteristics: Clear and translucent, mild and delicious in flavour similar to Orange Blossom Honey

The assa-peixe (Vernonia polysphaera) is a common plant in the Brazilian Savanna. Honey harvested..

Cipó-Uva Honey

Cipó-Uva Honey

Composition: Flor de Laranjeira
Product Nr.: Nº32
Content: 350g
Caracteristics: Light amber in colour and pleasant in taste

The cipó-uva plant (Serjania lethalis) when blooming, exudes a pink grape like fragrance. Cipó-uva honey is light amber in colour..

Royal Jelly Honey

Royal Jelly Honey

Composition: Honey with Royal Jelly
Product Nr.: Nº31
Content: 350g
Caracteristics: Very powerful natural antibiotic and antioxidant.

Royal jelly is the most powerful product made by bees. With a yellowish, gelatinous appearance, royal jelly displays a formidable..

Eukalyptus Honey

Eukalyptus Honey

Composition: Flor de Laranjeira
Product Nr.: Nº30
Content: 560g
Caracteristics: Distinctive flavour, dark amber colour, good for treatment of repiratory problems.

Eucalyptus honey contains eucalyptin, the active principle of eucalyptus which dilates bronchi..

Wild Honey

Wild Honey

Composition: Different Flowers
Product Nr.: Nº29
Content: 350g
Caracteristics: Excelent source of enerty. varies in colour and flavour.

Wild honey comes from miscellaneous flower sources, a mixture of nectar extract from wildflowers and woods. It may have..

Orange Blossom Honey

Orange Blossom Honey

Composition: Flor de Laranjeira
Product Nr.: Nº28
Content: 350g
Characteristics: Orange blossom honey is considered the mildest and most pleasant in taste.

It is light in colour and has clear textureThis honey carries the soothing virtues of the orange blossom..